About NETU
The New Earth Theological University (NETU) is a multi-faceted, interspiritual new-paradigm learning community dedicated to excellence in whole-systems (holistic) modern theological education.
All academic programs are guided by a commitment to praxis: a combination of theory and compassionate practice.
NETU applies timeless holistic pedagogy (like the Oxford, Waldorf (Steiner) and Montessori methods, as examples) to higher education, providing experiential learning through educational programs and projects that inherently emulate a reverence for humanity and all life.
Simply put, the educational goal is to help one develop self-realization or self-actualization through substance and aesthetics.
Guided by faculty, this heart-centered noble journey is facilitated by a practical method known as distance learning. Enhanced by telecommuting for direct personal interactions with NETU advisors, professors, and adjunct teachers, all students are empowered with unique geographic flexibility and freedom of movement, while being supported in their full-time or part-time studies (as working students and professionals) - a reality of postmodern ways of being.
A real education is what you study and learn... not just a building where you travel to.
We assist YOU to orchestrate a personal learning experience by exploring and implementing your passions arising from pure truth. NETU's intimate class structure - based on smaller student-to-instructor ratios and compassionate one-to-one guidance - creates freedom in a deeply resonant, supportive environment for cutting-edge interspiritual programs of the mystic heart, integrating soul/spirit, mind, emotions and body.
New Earth Theological University facilitates a "YES" in challenging academic studies for its students rather than an expensive, diminishing (severely limiting in scope) old-paradigm education that has stifled creativity with the "no."
NETU cohesively organizes and creatively supports independent, cooperative state-of-the-art research projects, and prepares candidates for holistic service within a diverse range of interspiritual, theologically-based environments - in local and global community.
To accomplish its goals, New Earth Theological University's structure presently has three fractal, transformative academic platforms, which are: the School of Interspiritual Studies (SIS); Seminary; and a School of Anthropology and Sociology of Religion (ASR).
School of Interspiritual Studies
NETU's School of Interspiritual Studies (SIS) is responsible for facilitating transmutational, life-enhancing studies in a broad range of academic disciplines. SIS directs the general empowering interdisciplinary educational programs of the University within a thought-provoking interspiritual framework of new-paradigm zero-point learning. School of Interspiritual Studies [online] Dean [contact] |
Seminary at NETU
Seminary at NETU is attended by conscious, awakening women and men focused on a spiritually diverse ministry educational community that builds progressive foundations for leadership, teaching, ministry and service. NETU's Seminary Partnership Programs of study provide students with an understanding of broad-spectrum spiritual and religious traditions with exposure to a variety of approaches employed within contemporary new-paradigm ministry environments. Seminary at NETU provides theologically-based ministry education programs for a diversity of faith communities and new-paradigm religious traditions.
Seminary at NETU [online]
Director [contact]
Seminary at NETU is attended by conscious, awakening women and men focused on a spiritually diverse ministry educational community that builds progressive foundations for leadership, teaching, ministry and service. NETU's Seminary Partnership Programs of study provide students with an understanding of broad-spectrum spiritual and religious traditions with exposure to a variety of approaches employed within contemporary new-paradigm ministry environments. Seminary at NETU provides theologically-based ministry education programs for a diversity of faith communities and new-paradigm religious traditions.
Seminary at NETU [online]
Director [contact]
School of ASR The School of Anthropology and Sociology of Religion (ASR) is an interspiritual and interdisciplinary research institute of New Earth Theological University dedicated to the study of interspirituality in the global community through application of the disciplines of anthropology and sociology. School of ASR [online] Interim Director [contact] |